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Prep Courses On University Campuses
As of 2018, the majority of these courses are held at the business schools at Queen's University, the University of Toronto, and Western University. If you are a student at one of these business schools, your administration will circulate any information that is relevant to you.
Courses can also be arranged on an informal basis by groups of friends or classmates. Contact us to customize a course for you and your peers.
Prep Courses At High Schools
About Our Prep Courses
Write To Excite offers prep courses for university and Grade 12 students.  
The courses explain how to achieve top marks on all types of writing assignments, including lab reports, essays, and business memos.  
Students who attend these courses will learn about the following topics:
  1. Paying Attention To Detail
  2. Being Clear
  3. Writing Prose That Is Exciting To Read
  4. Choosing The Best Structure
  5. Arguing Persuasively
These courses are arranged privately between guidance departments and Write To Excite. 
To learn how your school can partner with Write To Excite, please click on the button below:
What Sets Our Courses Apart?
1. An emphasis on drafting individual sentences.
​At many writing programs, instructors do not spend a lot of time teaching students how to draft individual sentences. Instead, instructors focus on the paper as a whole. For example, an instructor might encourage students to use more evidence, or advise students to reorder their paragraphs.
Despite all of that support, students often struggle to express themselves in writing, which means they need help at the sentence level too. Our courses focus heavily on drafting effective sentences before they address the paper as a whole.
2. A belief that clear and concise writing is only the beginning.  
After enough editing, most university students produce writing that is clear and concise. But more is required to consistently achieve great marks on essays and reports. To be near the top of the class, writers must excite their readers.
Our courses teach the strategies that make writing come alive. The courses explain how to improve writing that is already clear and concise, so that students can excite their professors and teaching assistants.
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